Privacy policy

We care about privacy and you should obtain full and reliable information about the processing of personal data that may take place when you visit our website. Below we present information on the scope, purposes and methods of data processing.

If you have any questions, you can contact us via e-mail.


The administrator of your personal data is Blue Ocean Media sp. z o. o., ul. Złota 75A lok. 7, 00-819 Warsaw. Contact with the Administrator regarding the protection of personal data is possible at the e-mail address:

The administrator applies special protection rules to protect data subjects, and also ensures that the data collected by him is controlled in accordance with the law, collected for specific purposes specified in legal provisions and not subject to monitoring of compliance with principles inconsistent with these purposes, substantively approved and adequate in relation to the purposes that are used and in the form in which they are used by the persons concerned, not only for use in order to achieve the purpose of processing. The Administrator also includes the principles of applying the policy of informing you about all personal data covered by you within the framework of the framework with the Company, as well as to the extent ensuring the security of personal data, including the impact on the scope of personal data and facilitating compliance with these rights.


The administrator processes your personal data – for various purposes, but always in accordance with the law. The purposes of personal data processing and the legal bases are detailed below. In order to handle inquiries sent via the contact form or directly electronically, we process the provided personal data, such as: name, surname, contact details. The legal basis for such data processing is Art. 6 section 1 letter b GDPR. If you decide to also provide other data, we consider that you have consented to the processing of this data – then the legal basis for such processing is Art. 6 section 1 letter a GDPR, which allows the processing of personal data on the basis of voluntarily granted consent; If the offer is accepted/an order is placed – in order to conclude and perform the contract, i.e. based on Art. 6 section 1 letter b GDPR, we process personal data such as: name and surname, address (if provided), PESEL number or NIP number, identity document data, e-mail address, order number (if provided) and business activity data (if provided) such as: business name, registered office address, NIP number, REGON number. In order to establish, pursue or defend against claims, we process personal data such as: name and surname, residential address (if provided), PESEL number or NIP number, identity document data, e-mail address, order number (if provided). and business activity data (if provided), such as: business name, registered office address, NIP number, REGON number. The legal basis for such data processing is Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR, which allows the processing of personal data if in this way the Personal Data Administrator pursues its legitimate interest (in this case, the interest of the Company is to have personal data that will allow to establish, pursue or defend against claims, including those of customers and third parties); For archival and evidentiary purposes, we process personal data such as: name and surname (if provided), e-mail address, order number – for the purposes of securing information that may be used to demonstrate facts of legal significance. The legal basis for such data processing is Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR, which allows the processing of personal data if in this way the Personal Data Administrator pursues its legitimate interest (in this case, the interest of the Company is to have personal data that will allow to prove certain facts related to the provision of services, e.g. when a state authority requests it) ; In order to fulfill the obligations imposed on the Administrator by legal provisions (Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR). For analytical purposes, i.e. research and analysis of activity on the Company’s website, we process personal data such as: date and time of website visit. , type of operating system, approximate location, type of web browser used to view the website, time spent on the website, subpages visited, subpage where the contact form was completed. The legal basis for such data processing is Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR, which allows the processing of personal data if in this way the Personal Data Administrator pursues its legitimate interest (in this case, the Company’s interest is to learn about customer activity on the website); In order to use cookies on the website, we process such text information (cookies will be described in a separate section). The legal basis for such processing is Art. 6 section 1 letter a GDPR, which allows the processing of personal data on the basis of voluntarily granted consent (when you first enter the website, you are asked for consent to the use of cookies); In order to administer the website, we process personal data such as: IP address, server date and time, information about the web browser, information about the operating system – this data is saved automatically in the so-called server logs each time you use a website belonging to the Company. It would not be possible to administer the website without using a server and without this automatic recording. The legal basis for such data processing is Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR, which allows the processing of personal data if in this way the Personal Data Administrator pursues its legitimate interest (in this case, the interest of the Company is to administer the website);

III. Cookies

The company uses the so-called cookies, i.e. short text information saved on the user’s computer, telephone, tablet or other device. They can be read by our system, as well as by systems belonging to other entities whose services we use (e.g. Google, Facebook).

Cookies perform many functions on the website, most often useful ones, which we will try to describe below (if the information is insufficient, please contact us):

  • ensuring security – cookies are used to authenticate users and prevent unauthorized use of the customer panel. They are therefore used to protect the user’s personal data against access by unauthorized persons;
  • impact on the processes and efficiency of using the website – cookies are used to ensure that the website operates efficiently and that you can use the functions available on it, which is possible, among other things, by remembering settings between subsequent visits to the website. Thanks to them, you can efficiently navigate the website and individual subpages;
  • session state – cookies often store information about how visitors use the website, e.g. which subpages they view most often. They also enable the identification of errors displayed on some subpages. Cookies used to save the so-called “session state” therefore help to improve services and increase the comfort of browsing websites;
  • maintaining the session state – if the client logs in to his panel, cookies enable the session to be maintained. This means that after switching to another subpage, you do not have to re-enter your login and password each time, which improves the comfort of using the website;
  • creating statistics – cookies are used to analyze how users use the website (how many people open the website, how long they stay on it, which content arouses the greatest interest, etc.). This allows you to constantly improve the website and adapt its operation to user preferences. To track activity and create statistics, we use Google tools such as Google Analytics; in addition to reporting website usage statistics, pixel Google Analytics may also be used, together with some of the cookies described above, to help display more relevant content to the user on Google services (e.g. Google search) and across the web;
  • displaying advertisements – this type of cookie allows you to adapt advertisements, thanks to which the use of websites can be free – to the preferences and habits of their users. They make it possible to provide users with advertising content that is more tailored to their interests and needs and allow them to assess the effectiveness of advertising activities.

Many cookies are anonymized for us – without additional information, we are unable to identify your identity based on them.

Your web browser allows the use of cookies on your device by default, so please agree to the use of cookies on your first visit. However, if you do not wish to use cookies when browsing the website, you can change the settings in your web browser – completely block the automatic handling of cookies or request notification each time cookies are placed on your device. You can change the settings at any time.

While respecting the autonomy of all people using the website, we feel obliged to warn you that disabling or limiting the use of cookies may cause quite serious difficulties in using the website, e.g. in the form of a longer loading time of the website or limitations in the use of functionalities.


If the processing of personal data is based on consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time at your own discretion.

If you would like to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, simply send an e-mail to the address indicated in point I of the Policy or by post to the address of the Administrator’s registered office indicated in point I of the Policy.

If the processing of your personal data was based on consent, its withdrawal does not make the processing of personal data up to that point illegal. In other words, until the consent is withdrawn, we have the right to process your personal data and its withdrawal does not affect the compliance with the law. Providing your personal data is always voluntary.


Providing any personal data is voluntary and depends on your decision. However, in some cases, providing certain personal data is necessary to, for example, contact you in order to handle an inquiry, execute a contract or meet your expectations regarding the use of the website.


We would like to inform you that we do not make automated decisions, including those based on profiling.


Like most entrepreneurs, we use the help of other entities in our business, which often involves the need to transfer personal data to entities providing IT services, entities providing hosting services, advertising services, transport companies, postal operators/couriers, entities providing legal services, banks, entities cooperating in the execution of orders (to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of processing).

In addition, it may happen that, e.g. on the basis of an applicable legal provision or a decision of a competent authority, we will also have to transfer your personal data to other entities, either public or private.


We would like to inform you that your personal data may be transferred to third countries, which is related to the processing of personal data in IT systems. In the case of data transfer to third countries, it will be carried out using standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission in order to ensure an adequate level of data protection required by law.


We would like to inform you that your personal data may be transferred to third countries, which is related to the processing of personal data in IT systems. In the case of data transfer to third countries, it will be carried out using standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission in order to ensure an adequate level of data protection required by law.

In accordance with applicable law, we do not process your personal data “indefinitely”, but for the time necessary to achieve the designated goal. After this period, your and your personal data will be irreversibly deleted or destroyed.

We try to limit as much as possible the storage period of personal data that is no longer used. Nevertheless, for technological or operational reasons, the Administrator needs time to delete data from the backup copy. The periods given below should include 30 days for deleting data from the backup copy.

Regarding individual periods of personal data processing, we would like to inform you that your data processed for the purpose of handling your inquiry will be stored by us for:

  • the duration of correspondence in the case and necessary to achieve the purpose resulting from the content of the inquiry, and then, depending on the results of the correspondence – either they will join our customer database and will be further processed for the purpose of implementing the contract or the data will be deleted if it is not possible establishing cooperation. If you close the conversations clearly for us, the data will be deleted immediately from the working system databases. In the event of concluding a contract or establishing cooperation, data will be processed for the time necessary to exercise and exercise rights, including the time necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from legal provisions imposed on the Administrator and to pursue and defend against claims,
  • until consent is withdrawn or the purpose of processing is achieved, but no longer than 10 years  in relation to personal data processed on the basis of consent;
  • until an effective objection is raised or the purpose of processing is achieved, but no longer than 10 years – in relation to personal data processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Personal Data Administrator,
  • until it becomes obsolete or no longer useful, but no longer than 10 years – in relation to personal data processed mainly for analytical purposes, the use of cookies and website administration.


We kindly inform you that you have the right to:

  • access to your personal data;
  • rectification of personal data;
  • deletion of personal data;
  • restrictions on the processing of personal data;
  • object to the processing of personal data;
  • transfer of personal data.

We point out that the above-mentioned rights are not absolute, and therefore in some situations we may legally refuse to fulfill them. However, if we refuse to comply with the request, we do so only after careful analysis and only when refusing to comply with the request is necessary.

  • there are legitimate grounds for processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms or
  • there are grounds for establishing, pursuing or defending claims.

You can exercise your rights by sending an e-mail to


If you believe that your personal data is being processed contrary to applicable law, you may submit a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.


To the extent not regulated by this Privacy Policy, personal data protection regulations apply.